Spirometer (SPR-BTA)
Specifications and User Guide

-Primary Test:
1. Connect the Spirometer to a Vernier interface (e.g., LabQuest, LabQuest Mini, or Go!Link).
2. Start Logger Pro (must be v 3.4 or newer).
3. Hold the sensor upright and still, and then click “Zero” in Logger Pro. Once zeroed, confirm that the flow rate is zero or very nearly so.
4. Connect a bacterial filter and a mouthpiece to the side of the sensor marked “Inlet.”
5. Click “Collect” to start data collection and exhale into the sensor. Confirm that the flow rate and lung volume are reasonable values for the person exhaling into the sensor.

How effective is the bacterial filter for the spirometer?

Do I need to use a bacterial filter with the spirometer, and how many times can I use the same filter?

Can I perform a custom calibration of a Vernier spirometer?

The volume measurements from my spirometer drift up or down. How do I correct for this to calculate lung volume parameters?

What are the dimensions of the disposable mouthpiece for the Spirometer?
Why are my tidal volumes higher than expected?
Does the bacterial filter used with Vernier spirometers filter out viruses?

-Flow Rate: +/-10 L/s
-Dead Space: 93 mL
-Nominal Output: 128 mV/[L/s]
-Detachable Flow Head Dimensions: 80.5 mm (diameter) X 101.5 mm (length)
-Detachable Flow Head Mass: 80 g
-Detachable Flow Head Construction: clear acrylic plastic
-Handle Dimensions: 127 mm X 23 mm X 35 mm
-Handle Mass: 85 g
-Handle Construction: black ABS plastic
-Cable Length: 1.5 meters
-Default Sampling Rate: 100 samples/s (computer), 50 samples/s (LabQuest and calculator)

-Calibrate? No. The sensor is set to match the stored calibration before shipping.
-No calibration process is recommended for this sensor.
-Stored calibration
Slope 7.8 (L/s)/V
Intercept –17.55 L/s

Disposable Bacterial Filters for Spirometer (SPR-FIL10)
Disposable Bacterial Filters for Spirometer (SPR-FIL30)
Disposable Mouthpieces for Spirometer (SPR-MP30)
Disposable Mouthpieces for Spirometer (SPR-MP100)
Noseclips for Spirometer (SPR-NOSE10)
Noseclips for Spirometer (SPR-NOSE30)
O2 Gas Sensor to Spirometer Adapter (O2-SPR)
Spirometer Flow Head (SPR-FLOW)