The Wireless Dynamic Sensor System was discontinued in 2019 because certain parts were no longer available. This multisensor included a 3-axis accelerometer, a force sensor, and an altimeter. When deciding what to purchase as a replacement, consider what experiments you plan to perform.

The Go Direct® Force and Acceleration Sensor (GDX-FOR) includes a force sensor, 3-axis accelerometer, and 3-axis gyroscope. This sensor is ideal for attaching to carts for a collision experiment, attaching to a spring for harmonic oscillation, or use in a centripetal force experiment.

The Go Direct® Acceleration Sensor (GDX-ACC) includes 2 different 3-axis accelerometers (one with a range of ±157 m/s² and the other with a range of ±1960 m/s²), a 3-axis gyroscope, and an altimeter. This sensor is ideal for taking on a roller coaster, securing in the nose cone of a bottle rocket, or placing on a turntable for exploring centripetal acceleration.

Note that the Go Direct Force and Acceleration and Go Direct Acceleration will not work with Logger Pro. They can be used with Graphical Analysis and the LabQuest App (v2.84 or newer).

Related: Which Go Direct Sensor should I take to the amusement park?