Go Direct® EKG Sensor (GDX-EKG)
Specifications and User Guide
– Primary Test: The most common cause of problems is a poor connection, either between the tabs and the skin, or between the clips and the tabs. As a result, confirm that the electrode tabs are fresh, allow them to stabilize with the skin of the subject for at least 2 minutes. Then make sure the leads are connected to the tabs properly. A drawing on the sensor shows the proper connections. Note that electrode tabs do not work as well if they are old or have been allowed to dry out.
– Secondary Test: Make sure that the person connected to the sensor is seated or lying down and that they are relaxed and do not move during recordings.
– Tertiary Test: Limit all sources of electrical noise. Make sure that mobile devices, computer monitors, electrical outlets are at least 0.5 m away form the sensor and subject. Make sure that the device that is being used to collect data is not plugged into AC power. The best location for the sensor is on the subject’s lap or knee during a recording.
Why is my EKG trace noisy? Why doesn't my EKG trace look like the trace in the book?
Could a cell phone affect EKG data?
Are your EKG sensors Optically Isolated?
Is there a good way to attach the EKG sensor to the stationary arm of the Goniometer so the sensor box is out of the way during experiments?
±200 mV
0.024 µV
EKG channel settings
-High-pass: 0.300 Hz
-Low-pass: 22.5 Hz –3 dB cutoff with –80 dB attenuation above 50 hz
EMG channel setting
-High-pass: 2Hz
-Low-pass: 29 Hz –3 dB cutoff with –80 dB attenuation above 50 Hz
Heart rate calculation
-Sample window: 6 s
-Advance interval: 1 s
Maximum sampling rate
-400 samples/s
– Calibrate? No. The sensor is set to the stored calibration before shipping. No calibration process is given for this sensor.
If the sensor can be turned on when connected by USB but not when disconnected from USB, the battery either needs charging or has reached its end of life and can no longer hold a charge. First, try charging the sensor for several hours. If the sensor still won’t turn on when disconnected from USB, the battery has likely reached its end of life. If you intend to use this sensor wirelessly, the battery will need to be replaced. The rechargeable battery in this sensor is covered by a one year warranty but should last two to five years in typical use.
EKG Electrodes (ELEC)