Go Direct® Respiration Belt (GDX-RB)
Specifications and User Guide

– Primary Test: Press the power button on the sensor to turn it on. (The red LED should flash.) Start the Graphical Analysis app on your device and select the sensor from the list of available sensors. (The green LED will start flashing.) Does the force on sensor read near zero when no force is applied to the strap? Does the sensor read a positive value when pulling on the short strap.

-Force sensor test: Secure the sensor snugly to the subject using the straps and clips provided. Verify that the green LED is lit above the checkmark on the sensor label. This indicates the sensor is under proper tension. Loosen the strap if the LED above the checkmark is red, as this indicates too much tension is applied to the strap. Breath normally. Verify that a change in force corresponds with each breath.
-Was the force sensor properly zeroed? In general, before collecting data you should zero the force sensor after it is attached to the subject. This additional step makes measurements more accurate.

-Respiration rate test: Does the respiration rate read between 12-20 BPM when breathing normally? Count the number of breaths (peaks) observed in a 30 second period on the force channel. Multiply the value obtained by two. This value should be close to the respiration rate reported by the software.

-Step: Have the subject walk 30 steps with the sensor attached. The number of steps reported should be close to the number of steps reported by the software.

-Step rate: Using the step channel, count the number of steps that occurred in a 10 second interval. Multiply the number of steps by 60 to get steps per minute. The step rate measure should be close to the step rate reported by the software.

Can I use the Go Direct Respiration Belt for long duration experiments? Can I use this sensor to monitor respiratory patterns overnight?
How do I use your Go Direct Respiration Belt with Python?

– Range: 0-50 N
– Resolution: 0.1 N
– Response time: 50 ms
– Respiration rate calculation:
– – Sample window: 30 s
– – Advance interval: 10 s
– Step rate calculation:
– – Sample window: 10 s
– – Advance interval: 10 s
– Maximum wireless range: 30 m, unobstructed
– Maximum chest circumference: 140 cm

– Calibrate? No. The sensor is set to the stored calibration before shipping.
– You may also choose to calibrate the sensor, using a one-point calibration. Place the sensor on a flat surface with the label facing up. Enter 0 N as the known force.

If the sensor can be turned on when connected by USB but not when disconnected from USB, it is likely that the battery just needs to be charged. In this case, charge the sensor for several hours and try again. If, however, the sensor won’t turn on regardless of whether the USB cable is connected or not, and you are confident that the USB cable is good by having tested it on another sensor, then the battery has likely reached its end of life and can no longer hold a charge. In this state, the sensor cannot be used even if connected by USB, so the battery will need to be replaced. The rechargeable battery in this sensor is covered by a one year warranty but should last two to five years in typical use. Note that if the battery is less than one year old and the sensor cannot be turned on even when connected by a working USB cable, another possibility is that the USB port is bad. In this case, contact Vernier technical support for assistance. 

Sensor dimensions:
-Length: 7.6 cm, not including strap loops
-Width: 5.7 cm
-Height: 2.1 cm

Strap lengths:
-Short strap: 7 cm
-Long strap: 130 cm
-Maximum chest circumference: 140 cm

Go Direct Respiration Belt uses Bluetooth low energy technology and can only be used wirelessly with devices that support Bluetooth low energy technology running the appropriate software. Otherwise, connect the sensor to your device using the included USB cable.


Micro USB Cable (CB-USB-MICRO)
Micro USB to USB-C Cable (CB-USB-C-MICRO)
Go Direct® 300 mAh Replacement Battery (GDX-BAT-300)