Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer (GDX-SVISPL)
Please read the user manual for general usage: Specifications and User Guide
-Primary Test: Are you using Logger Pro v3.14, LabQuest App v2.7.2, or Spectral Analysis v4.4 (or newer)?
-Secondary Test: If you are collecting data via USB, you do not need the battery installed or the AC power cable connected. Removing both of these will likely solve most issues.
In general, we recommend removing the GDX-SVISPL battery if you are not using the device wirelessly. The AC power adapter is only needed to charge the battery and is not required for operation.
Most Common
My Spectrometer is not working properly. It won't calibrate or is giving very noisy data.
What is the difference between all your spectrometers?
How is the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer different than the SpectroVis Plus?
Why does my LabQuest battery drain so quickly when connected via USB to a Go Direct sensor/spectrometer?
Why Isn't My LabQuest 2 or 3 Recognizing My SpectroVis Plus or Showing Accurate Data?
My Go Direct SpectroVis Plus is not identified.
Does my Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer firmware need to be updated?
My Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer intermittently drops the connection while using Bluetooth.
What is the difference between all your spectrometers?
What is the difference between the Go Direct Visible Spectrophotometer and the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus? Why does one cost so much more than the other?
How is the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer different than the SpectroVis Plus?
Why does my LabQuest battery drain so quickly when connected via USB to a Go Direct sensor/spectrometer?
What is the difference between the V-SPEC and the GDX-SVISPL? Why does one cost so much more than the other?
How do I check the lamp output of my spectrometer?
Why is the absorbance reading on my device (spectrometer/colorimeter) unstable or nonlinear at values above 1.0?
Why don't all of my spectrometers and/or Colorimeters read the same absorbance value for the same sample?
Can the lamp in my spectrometer be replaced?
Why don't the absorbance readings for the Colorimeter or the spectrometers have units?
What is the path length for the Vernier-branded spectrometers?
My Go Direct SpectroVis Plus is not identified.
My Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer intermittently drops the connection while using Bluetooth.
What is the difference between the types of cuvettes you sell for Spectrometers and the Colorimeter?
Do you sell replacement lids for my plastic cuvettes?
What types of liquids can be poured into your plastic Colorimeter or Spectrometer cuvettes without harming the cuvette?
Where can I get quartz cuvettes for your spectrophotometers?
Do I need to use 4-sided clear cuvettes if I am doing a fluorescence experiment with the Spectro Vis Plus?
Does the Vernier Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber work with any of the Ocean Optics Spectrometers or vice versa?
Spectral Analysis Troubleshooting and FAQs
Is there a way to toggle on/off the colored background behind the absorbance spectrum graph?
When should I use the Intensity Correction for my Vernier-branded Spectrometer?
Why is the maximum sample time for a spectrometer set at 1000 milliseconds?
Will the SpectroVis Plus or Go Direct SpectroVis Plus work with LoggerLite?
How can I overlay two emission spectra graphs in Logger Pro?
How can I display both Absorbance and % Transmittance, from Spectrometer measurements, in Logger Pro 3?
Can I have my spectrometer capture full wavelength spectra episodically?
I collected Absorbance data and then Fluorescence data (or emission data) with my spectrometer. I am now collecting Absorbance data again and my data does not look correct.
Why can't my device find Go Direct Spectrometer when I try to connect via Bluetooth?
Do you have labs written for your spectrophotometers?
Can I use my spectrometer to collect data at one wavelength (kinetics or Beer's law)?
How do I run the AP Chemistry food dye lab with a Colorimeter instead of a Spectrometer?
Do you have instructions on how to use a spectrophotometer to conduct the Photosynthesis lab?
Do you have an experiment written for quantitative analysis using the GDX-SVISPL fluorescence capabilities?
Are there some readily-available substances I can use to measure fluorescence with a SpectroVis Plus?
Can I do blackbody experiments with the Vernier or Ocean Optics Spectrometers?
Why can't I see better Hydrogen emission lines with my spectrometer?
Specifications and User Guide
Slit width is 25 um
What is the Z dimension or beam height of your Spectrometers?
in Absorbance mode? Yes
in Transmittance mode? Yes
in Emission mode? Optional
in Fluorescence mode? Optional
Vernier Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber (VSP-FIBER)
Plastic Cuvettes (Visible Range) (CUV)