Vernier Energy Sensor (VES-BTA)
Specifications and User Guide
Primary Test:
- Connect either voltage or current lead to a LabQuest or to a computer running Logger Pro via an interface.
- Vernier Energy Sensor should appear as a single sensor appropriate to the lead that was plugged in.
- Connect the remaining lead.
On LabQuest, four bar gauges should appear for potential, current, resistance, and power. If this doesn’t happen, verify that you have a current version of the software.
When connected to Logger Pro, Choose New from the File menu. A file should open with four graphs, potential, current, resistance and power. If this doesn’t happen, verify that you have a current version of the software.
What software do I need to use a Vernier Energy Sensor?
Secondary Test:
If the above steps are successful and the unit is still not behaving properly try the following:
- Zero the Sensors on the Energy Sensor while shorting out the Source terminals. Remove the short.
- Connect a known voltage source (e.g. a battery) in the 2-5V range to the Source terminals of the Energy Sensor.
- Connect an appropriate resistor that would draw about 100 mA of current from the source, e.g. for a 3V source use a 30 Ohm resistor.
- On LabQuest, the bar gauges should read the applied voltage and the appropriate current calculated from Ohm’s law. On Logger Pro the Auto ID file gauges should give these same readings.
- If the step above is successful, the VES is operating correctly and the issue is somewhere in the components that are connected to the Energy Sensor. Double check your wiring, and make sure all connections are secure.
Readings from Vernier Energy Sensor are noisy.
Can I use the Vernier Energy Sensor in place of other voltage or current sensors?
Software requirements
- What software do I need to use a Vernier Energy Sensor?
- The original LabQuest requires version 1.7.2 or newer.
- LabQuest 2 requires version 2.3.1 or newer.
- LabQuest 3 any version.
– Source input potential range ± 30 V
Source input current range ± 1000 mA
Potential Sensor 0.01%
Current Sensor 0.01%
13-bit resolution (using SensorDAQ)
Potential Sensor 0.008 V
Current Sensor 0.26 mA
12-bit resolution (using LabPro, LabQuest 2, LabQuest, LabQuest Mini, TI-Nspire Lab Cradle)
Potential Sensor 0.016 V
Current Sensor 0.52 mA
Input impedance
Potential Sensor > 2 MΩ
Insertion resistance
Current Sensor 0.1 Ω
Frequency response
Potential Sensor –3 dB @ 160 Hz
Current Sensor –3 dB @ 160 Hz
Vernier Variable Load (VES-VL)
Vernier Resistor Board (VES-RB)