The answer depends on which TI-SmartView license you purchased. See the details below.
Subscription Licenses
In March of 2022, Texas Instruments discontinued selling perpetual licenses for all of their software and now only offer subscription licenses. Updates to the software during the subscription period are free. Contact Texas Instruments for instructions on updating your subscription software.
Note: 1-, 2-, and 3-Year licensing options are available with TI-SmartView multi-user subscription licenses.
Perpetual Licenses (Single-User, Volume, School-Managed, etc.)
If you are running an older, perpetual-license version of the TI-SmartView software, Texas Instruments wants to help you convert to the latest version. To encourage you to update, TI is offering perpetual-license owners free multi-year subscription licenses1 (one for each license you own). You must contact TI directly for this update.
Note: Limits, terms, and conditions (set by Texas Instruments) may apply and are subject to change.
- As of early 2024, TI was giving a 7-year subscription license for School Managed and Volume licenses. ↩︎