The calibration information is dependent on the type of transducer used in the Gas Pressure Sensor and is provided in the Specifications and User Guide.
- The Gas Pressure Sensor was revised in October 2011 to include a new transducer which changes its calibration.
- The new values have a different slope and intercept.
- Some older software will incorrectly apply the slope-intercept calibration of the older model Gas Pressure Sensor. In most cases, a software update will fix the problem. Note that we will not have updated versions of legacy software such as ChemBio for original CBL.
- If you are unsure about the calibration for the GPS-BTA, you can determine which model you have by looking at the label. Only the new model has an registered trademark ® on top of the caliper image.
For newer Gas Pressure Sensors (purchased after October 2011), the linear calibration equations are as follows:
kPa: slope = 51.71, intercept = -25.86
atm: slope = 0.5103, intercept = -0.247426
mm Hg: slope = 387.8, intercept = -188.044
For all other Gas Pressure Sensors, the linear calibration equations are as follows:
kPa: slope = 46.48, intercept =0
atm: slope = 0.4587, intercept = 0
mm Hg: slope = 348.63, intercept = 0