This can be a helpful tool if you want to streamline your instructions for data collection and/or have a unique set of data collection parameters.

Making the Template File

  1. Launch Graphical Analysis and connect the sensor(s) your students will be using.
    Note: Go Direct sensors and LabQuest sensors1 will require separate template files.
  2. Adjust the data collection parameters as desired.
  3. Click or tap View Options, , and select what elements you want visible.
  4. Do not collect any data. (To test your file, follow the Using the Template File instructions.)
  5. Click or tap the File Menu, , and save the file with a unique name. 
  6. Make this file available to your students
    • Emailing it is a safe option as the file you created will remain intact on your computer.
    • If you share it via Google Drive (or some shared file sharing service), students need to be instructed not to overwrite the saved file when collecting their data.

Using the Template File

When your students are ready to access the file, have them follow these steps for the best results:

  1. Launch Graphical Analysis and connect the sensor(s) that match up with the file.1
    It is important to connect the sensor before opening the template file.
  2. Click or tap the File Menu, , and select Open….
  3. Navigate to where the template file is located and open the file.
  4. In order to avoid overwriting the template file, click or tap the File Menu, , select Save As…, and save your file using a unique name.

The student should see the data collection parameters and view that you set up initially.

Related Links
Graphical Analysis Troubleshooting and FAQs

  1. When using LabQuest sensors, use the lowest available sensor channel when connecting the sensors to the interface. When the students use the file, be sure they use the same channel(s) when connecting their sensors to the interface.
    In addition, if the sensor has a range switch (e.g. a Dual Range Force sensor can be set to +/- 10N or +/- 50N), it must be set correctly for both the creation and use of the template. ↩︎