The LED on the Go!Temp, Go!Motion, Go!Link, LabQuest Mini, or LabQuest Stream is a useful troubleshooting tool:
LED Color | Device Status | Solution |
Green | Receiving Power
Identified by the software |
Ready for use.
(Note: It is possible for the LED to be Green, but your software still does not show a connection. This can happen if you are running more than one application that supports the device. If that happens, close all applications but the one you want to use. If that does not resolve the issue reboot your device.) |
Amber or Yellow |
Receiving power
Not found by the software |
Launch the data-collection software.
(Note: if you are using the web app version of Graphical Analysis,, you will need to grant permission for the Chrome browser to connect to USB devices. For more information, see How do I connect USB sensors to the Progressive Web App version of Graphical Analysis?) |
Red | Error condition | ● Connect the device to a different USB port on the computer (not on a keyboard or other unpowered USB port multiplier). If possible, connect the device to a powered USB hub. ● Check for any damage to the device. Are cables loose or worn? ● Check the version of the software you are using; you may need to update your software: ● Check the device drivers: Are the device drivers installed correctly? (For Windows with LabPro, original LabQuests, LabQuest Mini, and LabQuest Stream) |
Off | Not receiving power
Not found by the software |
● Ensure that the device is firmly connected to the USB port. ● Connect the device to a different USB port. ● Contact Vernier Technical Support. |
If the tips above did not solve your solution, see below for additional suggestions:
Graphical Analysis Troubleshooting
Graphical Analysis Troubleshooting and FAQs
Logger Pro Troubleshooting
Logger Pro Troubleshooting and FAQs
Logger Lite Troubleshooting
Logger Lite Troubleshooting and FAQs
Using Go!Temp
Go!Temp Troubleshooting and FAQs
Using Go!Link
Go!Link Troubleshooting and FAQs
Using Go! Motion
Go!Motion Troubleshooting and FAQs