This may be because your calculator is attempting to charge the connected Go Direct sensor.
While the following options can be used to collect data using a Go Direct Sensor via USB, you should expect the sensor to drain the calculator’s battery quickly when using them:

Resolving the Issue

To prevent a Go Direct sensor from draining the calculator battery, use the TI Calculator Data-Only Go Direct Sensor Cable (expected late August) when connecting a Go Direct sensor to your TI-Nspire handheld via USB. This cable is specially designed to allow data transmission while preventing the calculator from charging the sensor’s battery.

Before using the sensor, be sure it is fully charged. To charge a Go Direct sensor, use the USB cable included with each sensor. Sensors can be charged using a Go Direct® Charge Station (GDX-CRG), computer USB port, USB power adapter, or USB outlet.

Coming Soon

See also, Can I extend the automatic-power-down (APD) time of my TI-Nspire handheld?

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