Graphical Analysis is available both as a local application and as a PWA, or  Progressive Web App

The sensor connection process to the PWA includes an additional step compared to the local application because the sensor must be connected to the browser, and then to the PWA. The steps here describe that process for wireless Bluetooth connection. 

Start by using the Chrome browser to go to If you have have it, enter your Graphical Analysis Pro subscription code. 

You’ll see the usual welcome dialog giving options for starting different tasks. 

Click or tap Sensor Data Collection:

You will see the Sensors dialog with WIRELESS and USB buttons. Click or tap USB to search for Go Direct sensors by USB:

After you choose USB, you will see a row of buttons to select the type of USB device. We will use Go Direct sensors for this example.

Because the browser has to search for different kinds of devices connected by USB, you’ll need to specify what kind of USB device you want to connect. 

  • All Go Direct Sensors show up with a generic name, because the browser can’t get details until the connection is made. Connect to your device by USB only the sensors you want to use. Choose Go Direct USB to search for any Go Direct sensor by USB. 
  • Click LabQuest to search for any LabQuest-family interface. 
  • Click the specific Go! Device to search. 

The remaining workflow for Go Direct sensors by USB is as follows. 

If there is a GDX sensor connected, you’ll see this dialog

Select the sensor, and click Connect. The browser’s connection window will close, returning you to Graphical Analysis. 

The previous step will attach the device to the browser, so that Graphical Analysis can access it. 

After pairing, Graphical Analysis will list the sensor, where you can select channels as needed. 

Click or tap USB to connect to another sensor, or click or tap Done to proceed to data collection.

What is the difference between the Progressive Web App and Chrome Packaged App versions of Graphical Analysis and other Vernier apps?
How do I connect Bluetooth sensors to the Progressive Web App version of Graphical Analysis?