EKG Sensor (EKG-BTA)
Specifications and User Guide

– Primary Test: The most common cause of problems with this sensor is a poor connection, either between the tabs and the skin, or between the clips and the tabs. As a result, confirm that the electrode patches are fresh and connected to the sensor properly. A drawing on the sensor box shows the proper connections. Note that electrode tabs do not work as well if they are old or have been allowed to dry out. Also, results vary form person to person. If an individual always has trouble getting a clean signal, try alcohol swabs before affixing the electrodes.
– Secondary Test: Make sure that the person connected to the sensor is seated or lying down and that they are relaxed.

Why is my EKG trace noisy? Why doesn't my EKG trace look like the trace in the book?
Can I get Logger Pro to display Heart Rate from EKG data?
Could a cell phone affect EKG data?
Are your EKG sensors Optically Isolated?
Is there a good way to attach the EKG sensor to the stationary arm of the Goniometer so the sensor box is out of the way during experiments?

– New order code: EKG-BTA
– Old order code: EKG-DIN
– Offset: ~1.00 V (+/-0.3 V)
– Gain: 1 mV body potential/1 V sensor output

– Calibrate? No. The sensor is set to the stored calibration before shipping. No calibration process is given for this sensor.

EKG Electrodes (ELEC) (one pkg)