The Go Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer connects to your device via Bluetooth® wireless technology or USB to generate full spectra, Beer’s law data, and kinetic traces of ultraviolet and visible-absorbing samples (such as aspirin, DNA, proteins, and NADH).
The Go Direct® Fluorescence/UV-Vis Spectrophotometer measures fluorescence and absorbance spectra of myriad samples, such as quinine sulfate, fluorescein, chlorophyll, and fluorescent proteins, all while connecting to your device via Bluetooth® wireless technology or USB.
The Go Direct® Emissions Spectrometer enables students to conduct emissions analysis; measure spectra of light-emitting samples in the range of 350 to 950 nm; and examine emissions spectra of light bulbs, spectrum tubes, or the sun.
Our free Spectral Analysis app makes it easy to incorporate spectroscopy into your biology and chemistry labs. Using the app, students can collect a full spectrum and explore topics such as Beer’s law, enzyme kinetics, and plant pigments. Learn more about Spectral Analysis »