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Physics Explorations and Projects

Physics Explorations and Projects

Physics Explorations and Projects

Starts at $44.00

This book contains over 30 guided-inquiry-based investigations for physics students to explore and analyze key physics concepts included in NGSS.

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$52.00   Order Code: PEP
$44.00   Order Code: PEP-E
Education Levels

Physics Explorations and Projects is a collection of laboratory investigations aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Most included investigations set up a situation for students to explore and analyze with some guidance from the instructor—a guided-inquiry format that is very different from traditional laboratory experiments that provide step-by-step instructions. The activities are editable and appropriate for high school students from 9th grade to AP Physics. Sample results are included with the extensive instructor information.

Due to the nature of these activities, minimal instruction is provided for software use and data analysis. Instructor experience with Vernier sensors and software is recommended.

Table of Contents

ExperimentSuggested Products
1Constant Motion and Changing MotionDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
2Balanced Forces and Unbalanced ForcesDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
3Gravitation on EarthGo Direct® Photogate, Picket Fence, Go Direct® Force and Acceleration Sensor
4Newton’s Second LawDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts, Hanging Mass Set 250 g, Meter Stick
5Projectile ChallengeGo Direct® Projectile Launcher, Meter Stick
6Impulse and MomentumDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
7Equilibrium of ForcesFan Cart, Combination Track/Optics Bench, Go Direct® Motion Detector, Ultra Pulley Attachment, Pulley Bracket, Meter Stick
8Circular MotionGo Direct® Centripetal Force Apparatus, Go Direct® Force and Acceleration Sensor
9Conservation of MomentumDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
10Egg Protection ChallengeNo probeware used
11Springs Making Things MoveDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
12Kinetic Energy and MassDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
13Work and Kinetic EnergyDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
14Work Done by GravityDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
15Energy in CollisionsDynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts
16Rube Goldberg MachineMeter Stick
17Charge and Charge ModelsGo Direct® Static Charge
18Coulomb's LawGo Direct® Static Charge, Meter Stick
19Measuring Electric CurrentGo Direct® Current Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
20Conservation of ChargeGo Direct® Current Probe, Vernier Circuit Board 2
21Voltage in a CircuitDifferential Voltage Probe
22Battery ChallengeGo Direct® Voltage Probe, Go Direct® Current Probe
23Magnetic Field of a CurrentGo Direct® 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor, Go Direct® Current Probe, Meter Stick
24Current from a Changing FieldGo Direct® 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor, Go Direct® Current Probe
25Generating ElectricityGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind simpleGEN
26SpeakerPower Amplifier
27Wave Speed on a StringPower Amplifier, Power Amplifier Accessory Speaker, Hanging Mass Set 250 g, Meter Stick
28Speed of SoundMicrophone, Meter Stick
29Interference and DiffractionDiffraction Apparatus, Combination Track/Optics Bench
30Sound and LoudnessGo Direct® Sound Sensor
31Wave Communication ChallengeGo Direct® Light and Color Sensor
32Energy Storage in CapacitorsGo Direct® Voltage Probe, Go Direct® Current Probe
33OscillationsGo Direct® Motion Detector
34Heat as Energy TransferFLIR ONE Gen 3, Vernier Thermal Analysis® Plus for FLIR ONEâ„¢, Hanging Mass Set 250 g
35Solar CellsKidWind 2V/400mA Solar Panel, Go Direct® Energy Sensor, Vernier Variable Load, Go Direct® Surface Temperature Sensor, Go Direct® Light and Color Sensor
36Rube Goldberg Machine RevisitedMeter Stick

What's Included

Electronic Version

  • Over 30 experiments, challenges, and project outlines
  • Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
  • Essential instructor information including teaching tips, important discussion points, and sample data and graphs
  • Word-processing files of the simple student instructions, so you can edit the files to match your students’ experience and need for guidance
  • Suggested supplies lists
  • A generous site license—buy one book and duplicate the experiments for your class

Printed Lab Book

When you buy the printed lab book you receive all of the resources listed for the electronic version, plus a printed copy of the book.

Sample Download

Preview “Gravitation on Earth” from Physics Explorations and Projects. The preview download includes student instructions, teacher tips, sample data, and more.

Download sample experiment


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  • Recommended: Online support
  • Email: support@vernier.com
  • Toll-free: 1-888-837-6437

Educational use only: Vernier products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical, or commercial applications.