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Organic Chemistry with Vernier

Organic Chemistry with Vernier

Organic Chemistry with Vernier

Starts at $44.00

Organic Chemistry with Vernier contains 26 experiments that represent a broad range of topics and techniques taught in most college organic chemistry lab courses. The experiments in this book build upon prior knowledge, laboratory techniques, and skills students have learned in general chemistry courses.

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$52.00   Order Code: CHEM-O
$44.00   Order Code: CHEM-O-E

Organic Chemistry with Vernier contains 26 experiments that represent a broad range of topics and techniques taught in most college organic chemistry lab courses. The experiments in this book build upon prior knowledge, laboratory techniques, and skills students have learned in general chemistry courses.


  • Distillation
  • Chromatography
  • Synthesis
  • Polarimetry

Instructor notes include helpful tips for successfully completing the experiment, reagent preparation information, and sample data.

Table of Contents

ExperimentSuggested Products
1Determining Melting TemperatureGo Direct® Melt Station
2RecrystallizationGo Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
3Determination of a Boiling PointGo Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
4Identifying an Unknown Analgesic by Three MethodsGo Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
5Separation of Organic Compounds by Acid-Base Extraction TechniquesGo Direct® Melt Station
6Understanding PolarimetryGo Direct® Polarimeter
7Identification of Organic Unknowns Using PolarimetryGo Direct® Polarimeter
8Investigating Gas ChromatographyGo Direct® Mini GC
9Fractional Distillation of EstersGo Direct® Mini GC, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
10Understanding Intermolecular Forces Using a Gas Chromatograph: Enthalpy of VaporizationGo Direct® Mini GC
11Investigating Thermodynamic Relationships of Substituted HydrocarbonsGo Direct® Mini GC
12Extraction of Spinach Pigments and Analysis by Electronic Absorption SpectroscopyGo Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
13SN1: Synthesis of t-butyl chlorideGo Direct® Mini GC
14SN2: Synthesis of 1-bromobutaneGo Direct® Mini GC, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
15Observing the Reaction Kinetics of Sucrose with PolarimetryGo Direct® Polarimeter
16The Synthesis and Analysis of AspirinGo Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
17Isolation of R-(+)-Limonene from Oranges using Steam DistillationGo Direct® Polarimeter, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
18Synthesizing Ethyl Acetate by Fisher EsterificationGo Direct® Mini GC
19Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone by Aldol CondensationGo Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
20The Diels-Alder Reaction of Anthracene with Maleic AnhydrideGo Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
21Friedel-Crafts Acylation of FerroceneGo Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
22Grignard Formation of Crystal VioletGo Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
23Synthesis of FluoresceinGo Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
24Synthesis of Methyl Orange and Its Application to TextilesGo Direct® UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
25Analysis of Natural ProductsGo Direct® Polarimeter
26Using a Gas Chromatograph: Identifying an Unknown CompoundGo Direct® Mini GC

What's Included

Electronic Version

  • Complete student experiments with materials list, step-by-step instructions, data tables, and questions
  • Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
  • Instructions for data collection with Vernier Graphical Analysisâ„¢, Vernier Spectral Analysis®, Vernier Instrumental Analysis®,  Logger Pro® 3, and LabQuest App
  • Instructor Information section for each experiment with directions for setting up experiments, helpful hints, and sample graphs and data
  • Word-processing files of the student experiments, so you can edit the files to match your teaching preferences
  • Generous site license—buy one book and duplicate experiments for your class
  • Complete equipment and chemicals list

Printed Lab Book

When you buy the printed lab book you receive all of the resources listed for the electronic version, plus a printed copy of the book.

Sample Download

Preview “Determining Melting Temperature” from Organic Chemistry with Vernier. The preview download includes student instructions.

Download sample experiment


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  • Recommended: Online support
  • Email: support@vernier.com
  • Toll-free: 1-888-837-6437

Educational use only: Vernier products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical, or commercial applications.