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Metabolic Reactions: Vernier Supplement to OpenSciEd Unit 7.3

Metabolic Reactions: Vernier Supplement to OpenSciEd Unit 7.3

Metabolic Reactions: Vernier Supplement to OpenSciEd Unit 7.3


In this unit on metabolic reactions, students use a real case study of a middle school student to develop models to explain how the body uses food and how the body’s subsystems work together.

The Vernier Supplement to Unit 7.3 is a complement to the OpenSciEd curriculum and includes data-collection technology enhanced lessons to supplement the existing curriculum.

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Our partnership with OpenSciEd gives middle school teachers access to free high-quality instructional materials that integrate our data-collection technology and align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Follow the steps below to access your free PDFs and editable Google Docs for each lesson.

  1. Download the complete unit from OpenSciEd.
  2. Add the Metabolic Reactions Supplement to your Vernier shopping cart.
  3. Complete the order. You will receive an email with a download link.
  4. Follow the link to download the Vernier Thermal Energy Supplement.
  5. Swap in the enhanced data-collection lessons for the OpenSciEd lessons.


There are 14 lessons in the full OpenSciEd Unit 7.3
2 lessons are enhanced with Vernier data-collection technology—included in the Vernier Supplement to Metabolic Reactions.
This unit uses Vernier Graphical Analysis™ and a Go Direct® CO2 Gas Sensor.

Lessons Sensors Used
Lesson 1:  What is going on inside M’Kenna’s body that is making her feel the way she does?
Lesson 2:  Can we see anything inside M’Kenna that looks different?
Lesson 3:  Why do molecules in the small intestine seem like they are disappearing?
Lesson 4:  What happens to food molecules as they move through the small intestine and large intestine?
Lesson 5: Why do large food molecules, like some complex carbohydrates, seem to disappear in the digestive system?
Lesson 6:  What happens to the different substances in food as it travels through the digestive system?
Lesson 7:  What is the function of the digestive system, and how is M’Kenna’s digestive system different?
Lesson 8:  What does the surface of M’Kenna’s small intestine look like up close compared with a healthy one?
Lesson 9:  How can a problem in one body system cause problems in other systems?
Lesson 10:  Why is M’Kenna losing so much weight?
Lesson 11:  What happens to matter when it is burned? Go Direct®
CO2 Gas Sensor
(1 per class)
Lesson 12:  Does this chemical reaction to burn food happen inside our bodies? Go Direct®
CO2 Gas Sensor
(1 per class)
Lesson 13:  How does a healthy body use food for energy and growth, and how is M’Kenna’s body functioning differently?
Lesson 14:  Do all animals do chemical reactions to get energy from food like humans?



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Educational use only: Vernier products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical, or commercial applications.