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Legal Center

Welcome to the Vernier Legal Center! Vernier Software & Technology Inc. dba Vernier Science Education (“Vernier”, “us”, or “we”) offers a full line of award-winning interfaces, sensors, software, and lab books to support educators and help engage and excite students through hands-on scientific investigation. This Legal Center offers quick access to the legal agreements and notices that apply to your use of our website, software, products, and other services. Your use of our website and its contents and features is governed by our Terms of Use, which includes all agreements, documents, terms and conditions on this page. The terms “you,” “your,” and “yours” refers to anyone using our website or services.


Vernier’s suite of applications includes Vernier Video Analysis®, Logger Pro, LabQuest Viewer®, Vernier Thermal Analysis® Plus, and the Go Direct® Sensor Companion Apps including Vernier Graphical Analysis®, Vernier Graphical Analysis® Pro, Vernier Spectral Analysis®, and Vernier Instrumental Analysis®.

Applications Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern access and use of applications by students, faculty, and other users. Read the full Vernier Applications Terms of Use.

Applications Privacy Notice

The Applications Privacy Notice explains the privacy practices that apply to our suite of classic applications only. Read the Vernier Applications Privacy Notice.


Vernier shares information about science education and the products and services we offer through vernier.comvernier.science, and our other websites and online channels.

Website Terms of Use

Our Website Terms of Use govern your use of this website. Read the full Website Terms of Use.

Website Privacy Notice

Our Website Privacy Notice explains how we collect and treat your personal information through this website, your privacy rights, and your options to control your privacy related to the website. For more information, please read the full Privacy Notice. You can also read our Cookie Policy to learn about how we use cookies on the website.

Vernier Connections® Platform

Vernier Connections® is a web-based platform designed to deepen students’ understanding of scientific concepts and develop crucial skills, such as inquiry, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and flexibility.

Platform Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern access and use of Vernier Connections® by students, faculty, and other users. Read the full Terms of Use for Vernier Connections® Platform Terms of Use

Platform Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice explains the privacy practices that apply to Vernier Connections. Read the Vernier Connections® Platform Privacy Notice.

Doing Business With Us

See our policies regarding previewing our products, technical support, and terms of sale.


LabQuest, LabQuest Stream LabPro, SpectroVis, SpectroVis Plus, SensorDAQ, Vernier and caliper design, Go!, Go!Link, Go!Temp, Go!Motion, Go Direct, Go Wireless, Logger Lite, Connected Science System, Vernier Thermal Analysis, Vernier Thermal Analysis Plus, Vernier EasyLink, Vernier EasyTemp, Vernier EasyData, Data Pro, Sensor DAQ, LabQuest Viewer, Vernier Video Analysis, Vernier Instrumental Analysis, Vernier Graphical Analysis, Vernier Graphical Analysis Pro, Vernier Spectral Analysis, Vernier Science Education, and Vernier STEM Classroom are our registered trademarks. Vernier Software & Technology, vernier.com, Logger Pro, BlueView, Vernier Mini GC Plus, and  are our trademarks or trade dress.

Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Vernier Software & Technology is under license.

Calculator-Based Laboratory, CBL 2, Calculator-Based Ranger, CBR 2, ViewScreen, TI-Presenter, TI Connect, TI Navigator, SmartView, TI-Nspire, TI-Nspire Lab Cradle, Cabri Jr., Teachers Teaching with Technology, MathPrint, and T3 are trademarks of Texas Instruments.

National Instruments, NI, LabVIEW, and NI LabVIEW for Education are trademarks or trade names of National Instruments Corporation.

LEGO and MINDSTORMS are trademarks of the LEGO Group.

All other marks not owned by us that appear herein are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by us.

Mailing List

We do not sell, lease, or loan our mailing list or portions thereof to anyone at any time. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, simply write to us at info@vernier.com, and we will remove you immediately.

Third-Party Software

NI LabVIEW for Education, Davis WeatherLink, WeatherLink IP for Vantage Pro, and software from Texas Instruments are licensed under separate agreements by their respective companies.

Copyright Infringement/DMCA Notice

If you are a copyright owner or an authorized agent thereof, and you wish to file a notice of infringement with us, please follow the instructions in the DMCA Notice.

Contact Vernier

Vernier Software & Technology Inc.
13979 SW Millikan Way
Beaverton, OR 97005