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White Papers & Research

Explore the latest research on best practices in STEM education and how scientific probeware aligns with educational standards, supports teacher needs, and engages students in deeper scientific learning. Discover valuable insights and materials to support grant writing activities.


Exploring the Data:
A Comprehensive Review of Research on Probeware and Three-Dimensional Teaching

How does probeware support three-dimensional learning? In this white paper, educational researchers explore a wide range of benefits from the use of probeware as a tool for Framework-aligned science education, including opportunities for cultivating authentic learning and higher student engagement.

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The State of STEM Learning

What exactly does recent research say about high-quality STEM education?To answer this question, Vernier Science Education commissioned Education Northwest, a nonprofit education research organization, to conduct a review of the latest research on successful STEM education practices.

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What the Research Says About the Value of Probeware for Science Instruction

In this white paper, we explore detailed research-based evidence that supports the value of probeware as part of effective science education along with a detailed bibliography to support your grant-writing efforts.

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We are scientists, educators, and your team.

As you implement data-collection technology into your teaching, we’re here to support you! Looking to learn more about our products or have questions about ordering? Reach out to our team at

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If you are considering an adoption or seeking training options, we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact our solutions team at