This issue has been resolved with a software or firmware update.

The Go Direct® Temperature Probe (GDX-TMP) can get into a state where it reports a constant value after a static discharge. The sensor will continue to report new readings with new time stamps and will not otherwise do anything odd, except that the readings will be constant. The static discharge doesn’t need to be strong enough to feel to cause this issue.


Once it is in this state you can reboot the sensor to recover by holding down the power button for 8 seconds, but rebooting will not prevent it from happening again.

Only Go Direct Temperature sensors with serial numbers starting with 0F1 are affected by this issue. These sensors were shipped in 2019 and earlier. Of those, if the firmware is newer than 4.2, the issue is resolved. No other versions are affected. 

Fix the problem with a firmware update. To install the firmware update, you need a Windows or macOS computer that has Graphical Analysis installed to the default install location. You only need this computer for the purposes of installing the firmware update. After the units are updated you can go back to using them with other devices. 

  • Launch Graphical Analysis
  • Plug in the Go Direct Temperature sensor via USB. You cannot use a bluetooth connection for firmware updates.
  • You’ll get a red dot on the sensor setup button (in the lower right corner of the application). Click that button.
  • Sensor setup will then have a button for “Update Firmware.” Press that, and follow the instructions.

1) The update takes about 2 minutes per sensor. You can have multiple sensors plugged in at once but the update will only do them one at a time.
2) If you disconnect the USB cable or lose power during the middle of an update, the sensor will most likely need to come in for repairs.
3) Disable any virtual machines running on your computer before performing the update.

Go Direct Temperature Probe Troubleshooting and FAQs