OHAUS Troubleshooting
- Connect an OHAUS balance using the appropriate USB cable.
- Launch the software and choose New from the File menu. The balance should be identified and display live mass readings.
- If the balance is not identified, make sure the Specific Gravity mode is not engaged. A capital “G” will be displayed. Turn this off by pressing and holding the Function/Mode key until the word WEIGH is displayed then release the key.
- If the balance is not identified, go to Experiment – Connect Interface, and choose each COM until you find the one that works.
- If the balance is still not identified, unlock the menu using the switch on the bottom of the balance.
- Reset the balance to its factory default settings using the balance menu.
- If the balance is still not identified, confirm the following settings:
SCOUT and Adventurer AX models
Setup: Automatic shut off must be OFF
Print: Stable printing must be OFF and Auto-Print must be OFF
Units: Grams should be ON
Mode: Weigh (not Density or Mole)
USB: Must be turned to ON
-Baud rate at 9600
-Parity to 8-NONE
-1 Stop bit
-Handshake to NONE
SCOUT PRO and Adventurer Pro models
Setup: Automatic shut off must be OFF
Units: Grams should be ON
Print: Stable printing must be OFF and Auto-Print must be OFF
USB: Must be turned to ON
-Baud rate at 2400
-Parity to 7-NONE
-Handshake to NONE
To get into the menus, turn the unit off. Make sure the switch on the bottom of the balance is in the unlocked position. The switch must be left in the unlocked position for the USB connection to remain active. Press and hold down the “On” button while it is booting: “MENU” will be displayed. Release the button and it will indicate “CAL”. Use the “Print” button to move through menus and the “On” button to select. So to disable Automatic Shutoff in Setup, Press “Print” until “SETUP” appears, press “On” to get into the Setup Menu, the first option is “A-OFF”, press “On” to select that. If it says “OFF” you are good, press “On” to select that, but if it says “On”, press “Print” so that it says “OFF”, then press “On”, then you are back to “A-OFF”, press “Print” a couple times until it says “End” and then press “On” and you’ll be out at the “SEtUP” menu. So press “Print” to go into “Unit” to set/check the second setting and so on.
7. If the balance is still not identified, contact support@vernier.com or call 888-837-6437.