Due to on-going changes in Chromeâ„¢, we cannot guarantee compatibility with Chromebookâ„¢

The following digital imagers and digital microscopes that Vernier sells have been used with a Chromebook in the past:

Celestron Digital Microscope Imagers (CS-DMI)
Celestron Digital Microscope Imagers (CS-5MP)
ProScope 5MP Microscope Camera (BD-PS-MC5UW)
USB Digital Microscope (BD-EDU-100)
ProScope HR Digital Microscope Kits (BD-HRB)
ProScope HR Digital Microscope Kits (BD-HR5B)

The native Camera app on Chrome OS has worked with the digital cameras and imagers listed above.

IPEVO Visualizer is another app that has worked well in the past. You can get the app in the Chrome store. See the link below.


Okiolabs also has a snapshot and video recorder App that has also worked well in the past. You can get this app in the Chrome store. See the link below.


To use your device with a Chromebook, launch the app and then connect the device to the USB port on the Chromebook. You may need to select the digital imager, instead of the default integrated webcam. There is a way to change the camera in each app.