Logger Pro for Linux version (Beta) was released in support of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS September 8, 2014. This version is available for both 32 and 64 bit versions of the operating system. Version does not support Ubuntu 12; users of 12.04 should continue to use or upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04.
Version also supports Ubuntu 14.04 running Spanish localized configurations.
Notable changes for
- Support for 14.04 LTS Ubuntu
- Eliminates crash at the end of some data acquisitions or file saves.
- Eliminates crash on double-clicking associated files when an instance of Logger Pro is already running.
- Go Link no longer disconnects when a new sensor is plugged in.
- Curve fit now works on first use; initialization fixed.
- Eliminates crash when opening Spanish tutorials.
- Data mark toolbar button correctly initialized.
Unsupported items include:
- Video and photo features
- TI calculator import
- Spectrometers
- Go Wireless® devices
- Vernier Data Sharing