This document only applies to Logger Pro versions 3.10.1 and below on Windows. Logger Pro 3.11 doesn’t support any sort of video analysis (so those menu items are always grey). Logger Pro 3.12 and newer support video analysis with Media Player libraries, so it doesn’t depend on QuickTime.

If the Insert Movie choice in Logger Pro is grayed out, it is some sort of QuickTime problem. Follow these steps in to try to solve it automatically:
Why are the menu options, "Movie, Video Capture, and Gel Analysis" grayed out in the Insert menu of Logger Pro? (Windows)

The way to diagnose these problems is process monitor:
Why does Logger Pro crash, hang, or refuse to launch when I attempt to start it? (advanced)

One of the root causes is a bad %PATH% variable. When Windows is looking for files it looks in the folders specified in that list, in order. When QuickTime is installed, it adds itself ( C:\Program Files [(x86)]\QuickTime\QTSystem ) to the end of the list. When Logger Pro starts up it asks Windows for the QTCF.dll file, and Windows goes down that list and tries to find it.

If Windows can’t find it, then Logger Pro assumes QuickTime isn’t installed and grays out the Insert Movie menu item. While an easy workaround to this problem is to copy the QTCF.dll file to the same folder as the LoggerPro.exe file, the best solution is to figure out why the path doesn’t work correctly in the fist place.

One known cause is using UNCs in your path: Don’t do that.