Update 2016

We recommend you use the free Graphical Analysis app instead of this out-of-date app.

Go Wireless app is available for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Go Wireless app can be downloaded for free from the App Store. It is no longer available for Android.

Go Wireless Temp Troubleshooting and FAQs
Go Wireless pH Troubleshooting and FAQs
Go Wireless Sensors - Computer, Tablet and Mobile Device Support Details
Go Wireless Temp - Data Collection Details
How do I change the name of my Go Wireless sensor?
Where do I find the serial number and hardware/firmware version numbers of my Go Wireless sensor?
What do the different LED states mean on a Go Wireless Sensor?
What does the button do on Go Wireless sensors?
How do I change units for Go Wireless Temp?

Go Wireless® Temp (GW-TEMP, discontinued)
Go Wireless® pH (GW-PH, discontinued)
Go Wireless® Electrode Amplifier (GW-EA, discontinued)
Go Wireless® Link (GW-LINK, discontinued)