Our standard LabVIEW VIs allow you to run a SensorDAQ at the same time as running a LabQuest in LabVIEW. See the attached example.


Our standard LabVIEW VIs are not designed to run 2 SensorDAQs or 2 LabQuests simultaneously, so you must start with the example that we have created specifically for this purpose. This involves more complicated LabVIEW programming.

You can find the example for 2 SensorDAQs in this directory:
LabVIEW 20xx\examples\Vernier\SensorDAQ LabVIEW Examples\SDAQ Analog Sensors\Analog Advanced Low Level\DAQmx_TwoSensorDAQs.vi

You can find the example for 2 LabQuests in this directory:
LabVIEW 20xx\examples\Vernier LabQuest LabVIEW Examples\Vernier LQ Analog Sensors\Analog Low Level\LQ Running 2 LabQuests.vi