You can disconnect LabPro from your computer to collect data in situations where you don’t want to take your computer. For example, remote data collection is good for gathering acceleration data on a roller coaster. The following describes remote data collection with Logger Pro 3 on a computer.
The easiest way to perform a lot of data collection without being connected to a computer is to use LabQuest 3 (LABQ3), which has a color touch screen and is designed to be use with or without a computer.
Quick Setup Method
Using the Quick Setup Method, you can collect data with LabPro, then retrieve it using a computer running Logger Pro. This method will work only with auto-ID sensors, and it will collect 99 points for each sensor. The methods that follow can be customized for your application, and are most often used.
- Connect your auto-ID sensor(s) to LabPro. (Sensors that are not auto-ID cannot be used with this method. The next two methods allow you to use auto-ID and/or non auto-ID sensors.)
- Press the QUICK SETUP button. The yellow LED will blink twice and two beeps will be heard verifying setup.
- When you are ready to collect data, press the START/STOP button. You will hear a beep indicating that data collection has begun. The green LED will blink each time a reading is made.
- When data collection is completed, the green LED will no longer blink. You do not need to press the START/STOP button to end data collection. (You can, however, stop data collection early by pressing the START/STOP button before data collection is finished.)
- When data collection is finished and you are ready to retrieve the data, go to the computer and attach the interface.
- Start Logger Pro. If a Remote Data Available window appears, simply click the YES button and choose to retrieve remote data into the current file. If a window does not appear when the interface is reconnected, choose Remote > Retrieve Remote Data from the Experiment menu.
- Click OK to retrieve data into the LabPro Remote data set. You may want to rename the time and data columns after the data are retrieved.
Set Up for Time-Based Method
Using the Set Up for Time-Based Method, you will use a computer to set up LabPro, detach it for a real time data collection, and then reattach it to the computer to retrieve the data. This gives you more flexibility than the Quick Setup Method. With this method, you can (a) use any sensors (not just auto-ID), (b) control the time between samples, and (c) control the number of data points collected (up to about 12,000).
- Start setting up LabPro for remote data collection by putting fresh batteries in the LabPro.
- Set up the sensors, LabPro, and Logger Pro just as you normally would to collect data in Time Based mode.
- Instead of clicking the Start button, choose Remote > Remote Setup from the Experiment menu. A summary of your setup will be displayed.
- Click OK to prepare the LabPro and then disconnect the LabPro from the computer.
- If it has not already been saved, save the experiment file so it can be used to later retrieve the data from LabPro.
- When you are ready to collect data, press the START/STOP button.
- When data collection is complete, the yellow LED will flash briefly. You can also stop data collection early by pressing the START/STOP button before data collection is finished.
- To retrieve the data, start Logger Pro if it is not already running. Choose Continue Without Interface in the Connect LabPro dialog and click OK.
- Open the experiment file used to set up LabPro.
- Attach LabPro to the computer. If a Remote Data Available window appears, click the YES button. Click OK, which accepts the default to retrieve remote data into the current file. If a window does not appear when the interface is reconnected, choose Remote > Retrieve Remote Data from the Experiment menu and follow the on-screen instructions. The data will be retrieved.
Set Up for Selected Events Method
Using the Set Up for Selected Events Method, you will use a computer to set up LabPro, detach it to collect individual data points, and then reattach it to retrieve the data. With this method, you can use any sensor (not just auto-ID), and collect individual data points whenever you press the START/STOP button.
- Start setting up LabPro for remote data collection by putting fresh batteries in the LabPro.
- Set up the sensors, LabPro, and Logger Pro just as you normally would to collect data using the Selected Events mode.
- Instead of clicking the Start button, choose Remote > Remote Setup from the Experiment menu. A summary of your setup will be displayed.
- Click OK to prepare the LabPro and disconnect the LabPro from the computer.
- If it has not already been saved, save the experiment file so it can be used to later retrieve the data from LabPro.
- Collect data. Every time you press the START/STOP button, LabPro will collect one data point. The green LED will remain on and the yellow LED will flash with each reading. Repeat as often as you want, for up to 99 readings.
- To retrieve the data, start Logger Pro if it is not already running. Choose Continue Without Interface in the Connect LabPro dialog and click OK.
- Open the experiment file used to set up LabPro.
- Attach LabPro to the computer and if a Remote Data Available window appears, click the YES button. Click OK, which accepts the default to retrieve remote data into the current file. If a window does not appear when the interface is reconnected, choose Remote > Retrieve Remote Data from the Experiment menu and follow the on-screen instructions.
- The data will be retrieved.