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For analysis of motion in videos use Vernier Video Analysis*.

It can be useful to create the calculated columns needed for a particular analysis in one file, then distribute a copy of that file to students. This can save others from doing some of the legwork of creating multiple columns in Logger Pro.

To create a video analysis template file for Logger Pro, do the following:

  1. Create the file as you want it including all calculated columns and your original video.
  2. Save the file.
  3. In Logger Pro choose Clear All Data from the Data menu.
  4. Choose Save File As from the File menu and give the file a new name. The file you save will be your template.
  5. When you are ready to use a new video, open the template file and choose Movie Options from the Options menu. Click the Browse button and locate the new video.
  6. Perform video analysis on the newly inserted movie. Be sure to reset the scale.

*There is not an equivalent way to do this in Vernier Video Analysis. The simplest thing might be to create a shared document that includes the common expressions from calculated columns used for video analysis. Students would copy and paste expressions from the document into the calculated column expression in any new VMBL file they might create.