Both site licenses and individual (single seat) licenses are available. 

In most cases a school should purchase a site license for Vernier Video Analysis or Graphical Analysis Pro. The site license offers the simplicity of not counting active users or devices; anyone at the school or department can use the app. 

If only a single person needs the license, it is possible to buy an individual license. This license is for one person only, and is limited in the number of installations before it can no longer be used on a new device. A small number of installations is permitted to allow for a single person to use the app on several devices. The individual license is not intended for several people to share, even if only one person is using the app at a time.

For the rare case of only a few students using the app, it may be less expensive to purchase two or more individual licenses. However, note that implementing this solution is more complex than using a site license. When more than one individual license is purchased, you must activate and distribute multiple license keys, each for one person. Managing multiple license keys will be more complex than a single site license key. With a site license, everyone uses the same license key, simplifying distribution of that one key.

Neither Vernier Video Analysis nor Graphical Analysis Pro is available in any app store.

How do I share Vernier Video Analysis with students?
How do Vernier annual licenses work?
How do I redeem a Vernier product license activation code? How do I extend an existing license?