Yes, it is possible to connect two SensorDAQs to a computer at the same time.

The standard VIs that come with the SensorDAQ are set up for using just one SensorDAQ. In order to create a LabVIEW program that controls two SensorDAQs, you must use the DAQmx low-level drivers.

The best way to get started is to use one of our VIs, called “”, which is included in our set of SensorDAQ examples. You can find this VI in your LabVIEWexamples directory at:
LabVIEW 20xxexamplesVernierSensorDAQ LabVIEW ExamplesSDAQ Analog SensorsAnalog Advanced Low Level

A second option would be to use two different interfaces, such as a SensorDAQ and a LabQuest Mini or LabQuest Stream. For more information about this option, see Can I use a SensorDAQ and a LabQuest at the same time in LabVIEW?