Vpython https://www.vpython.org/) makes it easy to create navigable 3D displays and animations, even for those with limited programming experience. You (and your students) can use our sensors to interact with displays and animations to create meaningful visualizations of data collected in your classroom.
Both our LabQuest and Go Direct sensors can be incorporated into Python programs and interact with VPython. We provide examples of this in the following resources:
Go Direct sensors : https://vernierst.github.io/godirect-examples/python/
LabQuest sensors: https://vernierst.github.io/labquest-examples/
In addition, you can connect our Go Direct sensors with Web VPython. For more information regarding this please refer to How do I get started using Vernier sensors with Web VPython?
Coding with Vernier Sensors and Python - Troubleshooting and FAQs