A non-auto-ID sensor must be manually identified, regardless of the data collection program in use. Most sensors that are older than 1999 are non-auto-ID. Note non-auto-ID sensors they do not work Graphical Analysis.

An auto-ID sensor is automatically identified when the sensor is connected to a Vernier interface.

A Smart Sensor is a special auto-ID sensor. It has internal memory that allows the user to store a custom calibration to the sensor. A custom calibration can be read and used with any data collection program. A custom calibration can only be stored to the sensor memory via Logger Pro 3.3 or newer or the LabQuest App.

A Go Direct sensor connects via USB or Bluetooth wireless technology directly to the computer, it does not have a BTA or BTD connector on it so doesn’t need an interface. These sensors only work with Graphical Analysis.

As new models of each sensor are introduced, a feature that is often added is the ability to Auto ID or to be a Smart Sensor.

As of July of 2023, the following new sensors are non-auto-ID:
1) all sensors with a DIN connector
2) Vernier Structure and Materials Tester Displacement Sensor

The following sensors will not AutoID on a LabPro:
1) Drop Counter
2) Radiation Monitor
3) Rotary Motion
4) Digital Control Unit
5) Motion Encoder
6) Polarimeter (Chemical)
7) Diffraction Apparatus
8) Projectile Launcher
(Note some of these may require a firmware update to AutoID on LabQuest.)

The following sensors are auto-ID, but not Smart Sensors:
1) Current
2) Differential Voltage
3) EKG
4) Exercise Heart Rate
5) Hand Grip Heart Rate
6) Stainless Steel Temperature
7) Surface Temperature
8) Extra-Long Temperature
9) TI Light (packaged with the original CBL), also sold as TILT-BTA
10) Voltage (-10 to +10 V)
11) +-30 Voltage
12) Thermocouple
13) Motion Detector
14) Photogate
15) Drop Counter
16) Radiation Monitor
17) Rotary Motion
18) Digital Control Unit
19) Motion Encoder
20) Polarimeter (Chemical)
21) Diffraction Apparatus
22) Projectile Launcher

Resistor List

Channel 1, 2, 3 and 4
IDENT Value1 Sensor Type Range
2.2K Thermocouple °C -20°C to 1400 °C
33K TI Voltage sensor 10 to +10 Volts
6.8K Current sensor1 -10 to +10 Amps
3.3K Resistance sensor 1K to 100 K?
22K Extra long temperature 50 °C to 150 °C
68K CO2 gas sensor (PPM) 0 to 5000 ppm
100K Oxygen gas sensor(PCT) 0 to 27%
150K C V voltage sensor (V) -6 to +6 Volts
220K C V current sensor (A) -0.6 to +0.6 Amps
10K Stainless steel or TI -25 °C to 125 °C
15K Stainless steel or TI -13 °F to 257 °F
4.7K TI Light sensor 0 to 1
1K Ex heart rate sensor N/A
47K Voltage sensor 0 to 5 Volts
1.5K EKG N/A
DIG 1 and DIG 2 (SONIC)
IDENT Value1 Sensor Type Range
15K Motion detector, meters 0.4 meter to 6 meters
22K Motion detector, meters 0.4 meter to 6 meters
10K Motion detector, feet 1.4 feet to 18 feet

When you use an auto-ID sensor (whether or not it is also smart) with any of our data collection programs listed above (Logger Pro, LabQuest, DataPro, Datamate, EasyData, or Graphical Analysis), not only is the sensor identified by the program but it uses a factory calibration.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The factory calibration of our sensors is very precise. For most experiments, it is not necessary to calibrate a sensor.

After you calibrate a sensor, you may choose to write down the calibration equation (slope and Y-intercept). Then, if you wish to use that calibration equation for the sensor in a future experiment, you can manually enter the slope and Y-intercept instead of conducting a new calibration.

If you have calibrated a sensor in Logger Pro or LabQuest App, you can also save the calibration equation by saving the experiment file. You can use the saved file later to conduct experiments with the sensor and the calibration equation will be used as well.

With smart sensors, after you calibrate the sensor you can store the calibration equation on the sensor itself. This is what makes the smart sensors °smart°. Remember that this can only be done via computer and Logger Pro 3.3 or newer or LabQuest App. Follow the steps below to complete this process.

Logger Pro 3 Instructions
1) Connect the sensor to a computer, via an interface, and start the Logger Pro software.
2) Open “Calibrate >’ LabPro CH1” under the Experiment menu.
3) Click Calibrate Now.
4) Complete the calibration for the sensor.
5) After calibration, click the Calibration Storage tab along the top of the window.
6) Click Set Sensor Calibration.
7) On the Set Sensor Calibration window, make sure that the Default Page is the same as the Add Page. Normally, both Add page and Default Page will be Page 1. Click Set.
8) On the Sensor Settings window, click Done.
9) On the Writing Sensor Memory window, click Write.

How do I store the calibration for my sensor using Logger Pro?
How do I save a custom calibration to my pH sensor?

Please note that you can always set the sensor back to its factory settings by opening the °Live Calibration° window, selecting °Calibration Storage° from the drop down menu, and clicking °Write Factory Default to Sensor°.

For more detailed documentation on storing custom calibrations on smart sensors, including screen shots, see Logger Pro‘s built-in help file.