If you have a Davis Instruments weather station, you an sign up for a free account at weatherlink.com. This is the Davis Instrument cloud storage of weather data. Once your weather station is set up on weatherlink.com, anyone can check the weather conditions live, any time. They can do this by using the Davis Weatherlink app for iOS or Android, or by going to the weatherlink.com web site.
The weatherlink.com web site allows you to customize a “bulletin” display for your station. This means that you can arrange to display the various sensor readings any way you want.
You can also, click on the Map button and see a map of your area with all the WeatherLink station marked. You can zoom in or out and you can click on any station to check out their sensor readings.
If you have your data on weatherlink.com, from the web site, you can click on Share and Uploads and then Embed and you will have access to embeddable links which you can build into another web site. Examples (from the Vernier S&T weather station are at:
If you sign up for the Pro level (for a fee from Davis Instruments), you can see graphs of the sensor readings, and you can see and download the data. The Pro level also lets you share your historical date with other users.