The Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts (DTS-GDX) is our most popular package of carts, track, and accessories. It comes in two parts:
- Track and leveling feet (Combination Track/Optics Bench (TRACK))
- Carts and accessories (collectively given the order code DTS-KIT-GDX)
If you already have tracks, you can purchase just the Dynamics Cart Systems without Tracks (DTS-KIT-GDX) package separately. The package includes:
- Go Direct Green Sensor Cart (GDX-CART-G)
- Go Direct Yellow Sensor Cart (GDX-CART-Y)
- Go Direct® Sensor Cart Accessory Kit (GDX-CART-AK)
- Ultra Pulley Attachment (SPA)
- Pulley Bracket (B-SPA)*
- Rod Clamp (RC-VDS)
- Adjustable End Stop (AS-VDS)*
*Note: the Pulley Bracket and Adjustable End Stop do not fit Pasco tracks as they rely on the central groove in the Vernier Combination Track/Optics Bench.
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