This information pertains to LabQuest 3.

The original LabQuest and LabQuest do not support this functionality.

This functionality is available in LabQuest 3 version 3.0.3 and newer. To update your LabQuest 3 to the latest version, see

Each LabQuest 3 has a unique Email ID that is used in the email signature of a sending email. You can determine the email ID for a particular LabQuest from the following LabQuest screens:

Email Setup Screen in the Connections App
1. Launch the Connections app, , from the Settings screen.
2. Tap the Email settings icon, .

The Email ID is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.

Device tab in the System Information App
1. Launch the System Information app, , from the Settings Screen.
2. Tap the Device tab.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.

The Email ID is displayed in the Wireless Hardware section.

Related Links
How do I set up LabQuest 2 or LabQuest 3 to email data with instead of my own email account?
How do I set up LabQuest 3 to email data with a Gmail account?
How can I setup email on my LabQuest using a Yahoo mail account?