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Explore Our Suite of Spectrometers

Save time and space with our suite of spectrometers. These innovative, easy-to-use instruments have a small footprint and collect data within seconds. In addition, they can be used in chemistry, biology, and physics classes at both the high school and college level.

Our spectrometers offer a robust set of capabilities, including

  • Full spectrum analysis of samples in seconds
  • Beer’s law analysis (e.g., absorbance vs. concentration)
  • Kinetics experiments (e.g., absorbance vs. time)
  • Various modes of data collection (absorbance, %transmittance, fluorescence, and emissions)

With our spectrometers, data can be collected and analyzed using our LabQuest 2, LabQuest 3, or free Vernier Spectral Analysis® software, which allows users to spend less time learning different interfaces and more time in the laboratory. Plus, Vernier Spectral Analysis works with Chrome™, iOS, Android™, Windows®, and macOS™ via Bluetooth® wireless technology or USB. 

Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer

The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer is an affordable way to introduce your students to spectroscopy. Its battery power and compact size make it a great option for field applications.

  • Wavelength range: 380–950 nm
  • Absorbance light source: Incandescent
  • Fluorescence light sources: 2 fixed LEDs centered at 405 nm and 500 nm
  • Absorbance photometric accuracy: ± 0.1 A.U.
  • Spectrometer modes available: Absorbance, %transmittance, fluorescence, emissions (fiber optic sold separately)

Go Direct Visible Spectrophotometer

The Go Direct Visible Spectrophotometer is a robust, portable visible spectrophotometer. It uses a quality optical bench, which allows for high accuracy and reproducibility, making this visible spectrophotometer an ideal option for upper-level courses.

  • Wavelength range: 380 nm–950 nm
  • Absorbance light source: Incandescent
  • Absorbance photometric accuracy: Â± 0.05 A.U.
  • Spectrometer modes available: Absorbance, %transmittance, emissions (fiber optic sold separately)

Go Direct UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

The Go Direct UV-VIS Spectrophotometer generates full spectra, Beer’s law data, and kinetic traces of ultraviolet and visible-absorbing samples (such as aspirin, DNA, proteins, and NADH).

  • Wavelength range: 220–850 nm
  • Absorbance light sources: Deuterium (UV) and incandescent (VIS)
  • Absorbance photometric accuracy: ± 0.05 A.U.
  • Spectrometer modes available: Absorbance, %transmittance, emissions (fiber optic sold separately)

Go Direct Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

The Go Direct Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer measures fluorescence and absorbance spectra of a diverse array of samples, such as quinine sulfate, fluorescein, chlorophyll, and fluorescent proteins.

  • Wavelength range: 220–850 nm
  • Absorbance light sources: Deuterium (UV) and incandescent (VIS)
  • Fluorescence light source: Exchangeable LED (ships with 375 nm, 450 nm, and 525 nm)
  • Absorbance photometric accuracy: ± 0.05 A.U.
  • Spectrometer modes available: Absorbance, %transmittance, fluorescence, emissions (fiber optic sold separately)

Go Direct Emissions Spectrometer

With the Go Direct Emissions Spectrometer, students can conduct emissions analysis; measure spectra of light-emitting samples; and examine emissions spectra of light bulbs, spectrum tubes, or the sun.

  • Wavelength range: 350–950 nm
  • Optical resolution: 3.0 nm (as determined by the full width of half maximum of hydrogen 434 nm peak)
  • Spectrometer modes available: Emissions (fiber optic sold separately)

Vernier Flash Photolysis Spectrometer

The Vernier Flash Photolysis Spectrometer is a simple, user-friendly device for demonstrating the fundamental principles of chemical kinetics and photochemistry to undergraduate chemistry students. It measures the absorption and emission changes over time of a photoexcited sample at a single wavelength.

Note: This spectrometer works with USB and Windows only.

  • Wavelength range: 450–750 nm
  • Light sources: Xenon flash lamp and white light LED; filters for wavelength selection
  • Temporal resolution: 100 microseconds
  • Spectrometer modes available: Excited state absorbance and emission

Which Model Should I Buy?

Deciding which spectrometer to buy depends on what samples and experiments you plan to investigate.

Download Our Free Vernier Spectral Analysis® App

With Vernier Spectral Analysis, students can collect a full spectrum and explore topics such as Beer’s law, enzyme kinetics, plant pigments, and Planck’s constant.