As an additional note, if the Flat pH electrode is broken, the FPH-BNC can be purchased as a replacement piece whereas the PH-BTA needs to be completely ...
-Secondary Test: Take readings in fresh buffers, NOT distilled water! If no buffers are available, try it in vinegar (~ pH 2.5-3.5) and ammonia (~ pH 10.5-11.5)Â ...
Jul 13, 2017 ... A: The Go Wireless Electrode Amplifier is terminated with a BNC connector. Therefore, you can use any of our BNC electrodes with it. Preferred:
Dec 8, 2015 ... We do offer Glass Body pH probes and electrodes (Go Direct Glass-Body pH Sensor (GDX-GPH) and Glass-Body pH Electrode BNC (GPH-BNC)) that will ...
May 18, 2018 ... Go Direct Tris-Compatible Flat pH (GDX-FPH) Go Direct Glass-Body ... Electrode BNC (GDX-NO3-BNC) attached. If you wish to purchase ...
If you calibrate a PH-BNC electrode with an Electrode Amplifier (EA-BTA), typical potential readings are -pH 4 buffer solution: 1.56 volts -pH 7 buffer solution:...
Generally, rinsing the electrode with distilled water after using should suffice. If the glass bulb looks dirty, you can rinse the electrode with warm water...
We carry pH/ORP Storage Solution with buffer preservative (mold inhibitor) added. Each bottle contains 500 mL of pH/ORP Storage Solution. We sell this as ....
Specifications and User Guide TROUBLESHOOTING Primary Test: Press the power button on the sensor to turn it on. (The red LED will be flashing.) Start...