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Inspire Students to Investigate Renewable Energy with KidWind

KidWind products help students investigate the science and technology of renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy. With our lab equipment, sensors, software, and investigations, students can explore engineering concepts and quantify energy production of small wind turbines and solar panels.

Sharpen Design Skills

  • Explore blade design concepts such as pitch, area, shape, quantity, and more.
  • Investigate how the angle of solar panels affects power output.

Encourage Critical Thinking

  • Build basic wind turbines and solar structures and test for energy production.

  • Foster a deep understanding of how energy transformations work.

Strengthen Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

KidWind activities challenge students to use critical thinking skills as they construct real renewable energy technology. Inspire students to solve problems in creative ways by building, testing, measuring, and rapidly iterating their own wind turbine design.

Elementary School

Easily bring science and technology into the classroom with fun and engaging hands-on activities that are written specifically with elementary students in mind.

  • Recommended for grades 4–6, the MINI Wind Turbine with Blade Design can be used to perform basic blade design experiments on a desk or countertop. 
  • For grades K–3, we recommend the MINI Wind Turbine.

Middle School

Enhance your STEM curriculum with innovative technology to help students visualize data, build critical thinking skills, and apply their knowledge to the world around them.

Recommended for middle school, the KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit provides an opportunity for students to experiment with blade design to generate electricity and lift weights. 

High School and College

Create opportunities for your students to apply scientific principles and engineering concepts to examine solutions for solving real-world problems.

The KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit is recommended for high school and college students. With this kit, your students can explore advanced concepts of wind turbine technology, including gears and generator construction (with the simpleGEN add-on). Design blades to generate electricity, lift weights, and pump water. 


Go Direct Energy Makes It Easy to Measure Power Output

Simpler to use than a multimeter, the Go Direct® Energy Sensor measures the voltage and current of a renewable energy system. Connect a source, such as a small wind turbine or solar panel, and our Vernier Graphical Analysis™ app calculates the power and energy output.

KidWind Challenges

Challenge students to construct wind and solar devices and to compete with peers in a supportive environment. KidWind sponsors challenges nationwide and online. A portion of all sales of KidWind products supports the KidWind Challenges held throughout the US.

Engineering Outreach

KidWind experiment kits can be used in outreach programs like that at Roger Williams University, where an interdisciplinary community engagement project pairs upper-level engineering majors with sophomore-level education majors to teach local fourth graders about wind energy.