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Wind Energy Explorations

Wind Energy Explorations

Wind Energy Explorations

Starts at $22.00

Examine renewable energy, wind power, and engineering design with these nine downloadable experiments written for middle school science. Suitable for grades 4–8.

ORDER CODE: N/A Categories ,
$27.00   Order Code: MSB-WIND
$22.00   Order Code: MSB-WIND-E

Wind Energy Explorations consists of nine wind energy experiments for students to study renewable energy and wind power and practice engineering design. Using the Wind Energy Explorations Go Direct® Package, which includes Go Direct Energy, a Vernier Resistor Board, and the KidWind Basic Experiment Kit, and Graphical Analysis app, students will gain an understanding of energy, circuits, and loads as they explore wind energy.

Topics Include

  • Renewable energy
  • Wind power
  • Engineering design

Table of Contents

ExperimentSuggested Products
1Energy TransformationKidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit, Meter Stick
2Measuring the Transformation of EnergyGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit
3Exploring Wind TurbinesGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit
4Wind Turbines: Effect of LoadGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit, Vernier Resistor Board
5Blade Variable: PitchGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit
6Blade Variable: QuantityGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit
7Blade Variable: AreaGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit
8Blade Variable: ShapeGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit, Vernier Resistor Board
9Engineering Project: Max PowerGo Direct® Energy Sensor, KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit, Vernier Resistor Board

What's Included

Electronic Version

  • 9 ready-to-use student experiments
  • Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
  • Instructions for data collection with Graphical Analysis 4
  • Essential instructor information including teaching tips, suggested answers, and sample data and graphs
  • Word-processing files of the student experiments, so you can edit the files to match your teaching preferences
  • Complete equipment and supplies list
  • A generous site license—buy one book and duplicate the experiments for your class


Contact Us

  • Recommended: Online support
  • Email: support@vernier.com
  • Toll-free: 1-888-837-6437

Educational use only: Vernier products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical, or commercial applications.