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Warranty Policy

Five-Year Limited Warranty

Most Vernier-branded products carry a five-year limited warranty. Product-specific details can be found under the Support tab on each product’s web page. During the warranty period, Vernier will repair or replace the item if there is a defect in materials or workmanship. Outside the warranty, Vernier will attempt to repair most products, often at no charge.

The Vernier warranty covers products when used by educational institutions only.

Exclusions and Limitations

Products manufactured by anyone other than Vernier are subject to the conditions of the warranty supplied by the original equipment manufacturer. When applicable, this information will be disclosed on their respective web pages.

Products co-branded with another company may sometimes carry a warranty less than five years. When applicable, this information will be disclosed on their respective web pages.

Damage to a product caused by improper use, abuse, or non-educational use will void the warranty.

Products used outside of educational institutions carry no warranty other than to be free of defects upon arrival.

Consumable items carry no warranty other than to be free of defects upon arrival. Examples include, but are not limited to, solutions, capillary tubes, and EKG electrode tabs.

Due to the nature of some products, their warranty period is less than five years, or will only be warranted on arrival. When applicable, this information will be disclosed on their respective web pages. Examples include, but are not limited to, batteries, light sources, and replaceable electrode modules.

Packages and kits are covered by the warranties of their individual parts.