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Help Your Students Investigate the Mysteries of Forensics

Forensics and its real-world applications are engaging vehicles for learning key scientific concepts. Students investigate scenarios, such as suspected arson and poisonous cups of coffee, while they learn the vital role that analyzing and interpreting data play in science.

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Featured Forensics Lab Book

Featured Forensics Experiments

Killer Cup of Coffee

SOUTH PAINTER, Tuesday: It was a normal Monday morning at GlobalTech Industries until the mail boy discovered project manager
Patrick Marchand dead in his cubicle, head on his desk. Mr. Marchand had died while writing an email, in a room full of people hard at
work. An early examination of the crime scene yielded no clues.

Mr. Marchand was known to have a serious heart condition, and many signs pointed to cardiac arrest as the cause of his death. However, as police canvassed the office space, the distinct odor of bitter almonds was detected, and a vial containing a small amount of an unknown chemical was found discarded in a communal trash can.

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Hit and Run

Rania Sallum, 58, was struck by a large, dark-colored SUV Wednesday around 7:20 a.m. Sallum could not see the driver or read the license plate, but she knows that she was struck by the front right bumper of the vehicle, which then slowed almost to a stop before speeding off. She estimates that the incident occurred between 7:15 and 7:25 a.m. A hit-and-run bulletin and vehicle description went out to all officers. Three police teams spotted vehicles with front right bumper damage.

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