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See How Vernier Coding Activities Correlate to CSTA Standards

Computer Science Standards for 21st Century Learners

Today we use computing in all facets of our professional and personal lives, and the impact computing has will only increase in the future. Consequently, a foundational understanding of computer science is essential to becoming a well-educated citizen in the 21st century. Vernier understands this fact, and we work hard to support educators as they prepare students for tomorrow’s workforce.

CSTA Standards

The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K–12 Computer Science Standards is a set of learning objectives that aim to provide the foundation around which educators can design a computer science curriculum. As more and more schools, districts, and states make computer science education a priority, our activities for coding and robotics give educators the support they need to meet CSTA standards.

Vernier and CSTA Standards

As coding becomes more prevalent in the modern classroom, Vernier continues to expand its products and teaching resources to address these new needs. Our coding and robotics technology supports educators as they help students learn computational thinking and build computer science skills. Learn how our coding and robotics solutions correlate to CSTA standards by building students’ ability to create and follow algorithms, model how information is communicated and organized, and more. With the Vernier coding and robotics solutions that correlate to CSTA standards, your students will
  • Gain an understanding of fundamental concepts in computer science
  • Appreciate the importance that computer science skills hold for everyone, whether or not they pursue a STEM-related career
  • Get hands-on experience that helps build confidence and sharpen computational thinking

Activities that Correlate to CSTA Standards

Each e-book helps students gain a foundational understanding of coding and computing and helps educators ensure their students meet the learning objectives outlined in CSTA’s standards.

  • Appropriate for middle school and high school students
  • Helps educators meet CSTA Standards 2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13, and 2-AP-19
  • Appropriate for middle school students
  • Topics include fundamental programming structures, simulating robotic exploration of Mars, and more.
  • Helps educators meet CSTA Standards 1B-AP-08, 1B-AP-09, 1B-AP-10, 1B-AP-11, 1B-AP-15, and 1B-IC-18
  • Appropriate for middle school and high school students
  • Topics include building a personal weather assistant, classroom noise monitor, prosthetic hand, and more.
  • Helps educators meet CSTA Standards 2-CS-01, 2-AP-10, 2-AP-11, 2-AP-12, 2-AP-13,2-AP-14, and 2-AP-19